Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter 2

I wake up in a cold sweat. I had been up all night texting Rachel and must have fallen asleep on my phone for it is buzzing loudly by my ear. I look over at my alarm, which failed to go off. It reads 6:53. I try to untangle my legs from my sheet and only manage to fall off my bed onto the floor. I'm going to be so late. Finally, getting my legs untangled, I run into my bathroom to take a quick shower. I am dressed and ready in ten minutes. I run down the stairs,grab my backpack, and dash out to my car while Anna yells something about having a good day and to drive safely.
“Man I really hope there are no cops today,” I mutter to myself as I jam the keys into the ignition and back out the driveway.
 When I hit the school zone I ignore the twenty miles per hour sign and drive at a solid forty.  I swerve into the school parking lot and run for the door. I grab a hold of it just as the tardy bell rings. Anna's going to kill me. I swing the door open and march into hell.

I had just barely gotten in the door of my first class when Mrs. Smith says,” Oh welcome Miss Stewart, glad you could join us,” and starts filling out my d-hall slip. I look at it.
” Two hours after school on Monday!” I start to protest, but she stops me with a flick of her hand in a stop-now-or-I-will-also-make-you-scrape-the-gum-off-the-bottom-of-my-desks sort of way. I walk to the back of the class and slump into my desk with a big thump.
For the next fifty minutes I zone in and out of consciousness. I can't get that stupid dream out of my head. And those eyes. I was in mid-thought when the bell rang and I race out the door hoping Rachel is at her locker.

Chapter 1

Her legs seemed to move faster and faster with every step, but the perpetrators only got closer and closer. Their silhouettes in the deep darkness got bigger and bigger as they closed in.  Her heart rate accelerated and when she finally thought she might get away, one jumped up at an impossible height, towering overhead and landed right in front of her, blocking her way to safety. She wanted to scream out but she knew there was no hope.  For all she knew, she and these two fines were the only sinchant beings around for miles.

Just when all hope was lost, she glimpsed a small alleyway to her right. She dashed towards the dark opening. She saw a figure sitting in the middle of the alley covered by a dark cloak. The cloaked figure stood up and threw down the cloak revealing a beautiful blond haired boy. He was finely dressed in a dark expensive looking suit. He had blue eyes and a smile plastered to his face.A feeling of relief washed over her, but her relief was short lived. As she gazed into his blue eyes they turned the color of fresh blood. At this she screamed, but no one would hear her for she was already drowning in her own blood.